Ash Ranges: An open letter to Jeremy Quinn MP

By Simon Brown, Chair, Trail Action Group

Dear Jeremy,

Before delving into what will be a challenging topic I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your staff a very Happy New Year.

Trail Action Group was set up around 10 years ago with the aim of retaining access to the military training lands for cycling. On talking over the Chairman’s role I wanted to build on the previous negotiations with DIO. My goal was to enable and encourage responsible mountain biking on the lands defined by the Aldershot and District Military Lands Byelaws and to correct the anomaly restricting cycling that was added in the 1976 byelaw review.

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Bible Study for a New Year : 2 Corinthians 5:15-18

By Helen Lambert

New Year, new you!  New Year’s resolutions.  New “normal”.  New cases.  New vaccine. New variant. New rules.  New lockdown.  Do you ever wish things would stop being quite so new?  2020 was a whole new experience for everyone – not just in Ash Vale, not just in the UK, but on the whole planet.  But what about you?  Do you feel renewed?  Or just wrung out?  The “new” has become “old” and we would all like to move on, but times remain uncertain and precarious.

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A sign that it worked

By Mike Jacobs

Over eighty years ago I was marked with a sign that said I was safe. In 1940, I and many, many other children were vaccinated at the clinic in Stoke Road, Guildford. This left a scar high up on my left arm that was affectionately known by everyone as a ‘Dickie Bird’. The vaccination was to protect me against smallpox (variola), a disease that had decimated Europe throughout the middle ages. This process was followed a few weeks later by injections against Diptheria and Scarlet Fever. Since discovery of the process of vaccination, smallpox has been eliminated and is now considered exterminated.

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