Messy Church fun in 2021

By Alex Sanderson

With so much uncertainty we are being very slick and adaptable (otherwise known as making a new plan every time the rules change!) But we do have a plan and we will be putting the mess into Messy Church for you all to enjoy some family friendly church activities in 2021. So what’s on the list?

Sunday 24th January: Wedding at Cana ‘Messy Church at home” kit. Text us to book a kit for your family and we will deliver to your door or you can collect from us. 07730 609446

13th—21st Feb February: Half Term Lost Sheep Trail Create a sheep for your window and enjoy a sheep spotting walk! #AshValeSheepTrail

Sunday 21st March: Hope  – exploring lent the Messy Church way!               (Covid-secure in church if allowed, kits for home if not) Text Alex to book your place  and / or kit:  07730 60446

April :  Messy Easter!  Format to be confirmed, depending on the rules, keep an eye on Facebook for updates or text us nearer the time on 07730 609446  

Find us online: Facebook: @StMarysAshVale Facebook: @AshValeChapel

Contact Alex: 07730 609446

How many sheep have you found in this magazine? Remember to make a sheep for you window this half term! 🙂 #AshValeSheepTrail #LostSheepTrail