Chapel Arts Monthly Makes—Debi Retallick
Debi is continuing to run the monthly make on Zoom but hoping to return to face to face sessions at the Chapel from September…..

May’s monthly make was a Bird sculpture; one of the participants has caught the making bug and is now on her 9th Bird sculpture; she’s even teaching her friends to make them!
June Monthly Make: Join Debi for the next monthly make to do some wire work, creating your own dragonfly: 4pm on Tuesday 1st June 2021.
The July make will be an opportunity to create a painting with fibres reflecting on personal journeys coming out of lockdown through the concept of ‘landscapes’. From 4pm on Tuesday 6th July 2021.
To book your place & receive zoom details please contact Debi at:
There is no set charge for the workshop, please make a donation to the Chapel Project to support the ongoing community projects. Thank you!
Retallick Family Art Installation: “Love Seeds””
We’ve just installed our artwork in a phone box called the red cube gallery on Frensham green. It’s a Retallick family collaboration in response to the pandemic titled ‘Love seeds’. It’s on from now until 22nd June, please do pop by and have a look!

There is a notice board next to the phone box which explains what it’s all about … x ❤
Debi (Artist in Residence)
Chapel Music: “Check out this Civic Hymn!”
…this is a song released just recently through LICC (London Institute of Contemporary Christianity) as a Civic Hymn! Using that well known tune from Abide With Me, new lyrics have been penned by Noel Robinson, Andy Flanagan and Graham Hunter.
The song and string parts were arranged by Matt and then most of the sounds were recorded at the Chapel throughout February and March. Some extra bits were recorded remotely as some restrictions were still in place.
Have a listen and tell us what you think!
Matt & Dan Weeks (Musicians in Residence)
Chapel Filmshare: “Will be back in September!”
We are planning to revive our film evenings at the Chapel early in September when we anticipate that all Covid restrictions will have been lifted and that we’ll be able to offer our usual tea, coffee and cakes along with some enjoyable film entertainment. If you enjoy tea, coffee and cakes and appreciate films you’re welcome to join us fortnightly in September at the Chapel in Wharf Road, Ash Vale from 7.30 p.m. To sign up to our e-mail newsletter contact: Dick Elsey at or on 01252 694314.
More news in the next Parishioner Magazine.
Dick (Chapel Filmshare)
Chapel Poetry: “Join us for our 4th book launch! “
Don’t miss the Chapel Poetry Group “Mirror Mind” Book Launch and Competition Winners celebration!
Saturday 26th June, 7:30pm, at St Mary’s Church, Ash Vale, GU12 5JE
Booking essential, as we have limited seats available. Please contact Alex on 07730 609446 for tickets bookings to be at the event in person, Zoom links for those joining from home, and to preorder copies of the Poetry Collection.
See you there, mark your diary today!