By Sylwia Whyman
Hello from Abbeywood!
Everyone has been very busy over the last couple of months. We welcomed three new residents to our home who have settled well with us.
We have also been making our home very animal friendly. The number of four legged and beaked friends has increased considerably over the last few months. We have added Malcom, Alex, Peter and Benji the rabbits. We have two guineapigs ( Roger and Ralf), three fish and nine budgies ( Hammond, Clarkson, May, Stick, Bina G, Bina R, Ashley, Gladys, Shai with two eggs, so may be 11 at time of going to press). This adds to the existing household of four terrapins, (Raphael , Michelangelo, Donatello, Leonardo), two cats (Laurel and Hardy) and three dogs that visit on a regular basis (Chica, Frankie and Marley). The residents love cuddling the bunnies, and visiting the aviary.
The residents have been working hard planting flowers for our garden. We are starting work on our trial veggie patch, and hope to have some amazing, possibly ugly pumpkins ready for October. Who doesn’t love a big ugly pumpkin?
The staff are starting work on our much awaited Christmas performance of Cinderella. Songs are being decided, the cast is being selected/volunteered from a very high set of acting capabilities. We look forward to welcoming everyone from the community, tickets and dates will be available soon.
Fund raising has really been non-existent, this year. We do have a gofundme page( All proceeds go towards to funding residents’ trips and outings, something they have really missed over the last year.
We are still quite restricted in what we can do and who can visit. Please do put in a big wave if you are passing by, it really puts a smile on all our faces when the residents see a friendly stranger making contact in these difficult times.
Thank you for reading and best wishes
All residents and staff from