Love and Light Trail

Sunday 31 October 21

4pm-7pm Free Community Fun!

Contact us to book! 07730 609446

Book Today!  Our Love & Light trail this year starts at St Mary’s on Vale Rd and finishes at The Chapel on Wharf Rd with music, fairy lights, food, sweets and hot chocolate. (outside if fine, inside if wet) Start times and group sizes will be advised once we know what the covid rules are, but please book now to secure a place. If you complete the trail you will also receive a messy church Love and Light kit to take home, so be sure to get your name on the list and we will have your bag ready for you.

Do you live between The Chapel and St Mary’s? Please fill your windows and gardens with lights and hearts on 31st October!  If you’re happy to display a trail clue in your window on the day please get in touch, Alex would love to include you! Thank You xxx / 07730 609446 (Alex)