You may have seen in the church notices: Contemplative prayer is starting up again, monthly on Sundays 6.30pm The next meetings will be Sunday 19 January (this sunday) Sunday 16 February Sunday 16 March 🙏 #ContemplativePrayer
All welcome / free / no need to book just come and join us at 6:30pm
** Coats ** if you need a coat please come down to the Community Cafe Warm Hub this Friday at St Mary’s 10:00-13:00 we have had lots donated as part of our ‘winter warmers’ appeal and they are free to whoever needs them. Lots of different sizes, mostly childrens but there are a few adults ones. We also have some blankets available. Tea and coffee available all morning, Soup lunch is served at 12:00 . No need to book just pop in.
Midnight Mass / Christmas Communion will be on Christmas Eve 11.30pm. All welcome.
Christmas Day Service is at 10am on Sunday. Neil will be taking the service and the service will be relaxed and shorter than a normal Sunday. Please note the change of time for this service.All welcome and children can bring a new toy to show us!
Please support Amaha We Uganda’s tree planting projects this Christmas. Your gift of trees will reforest mountains, stop landslides and feed families.
Amaha We Uganda is one of St Mary’s chosen charities again this year and we are so excited to see that another 30,000 trees have been planted this season. You can read all about it on their website
Gift certificate cards are available for your family and friends. Email for your PDF certificate.
Join us for an evening of Carols, music and readings by candlelight to celebrate the joy of Christmas. Sunday 11th December 2022 at St Marys, Vale Rd in Ash Vale, 6.30pm
Free to attend, all welcome, please stay for refreshments afterwards. (We are back indoors this year for the first time since covid)
We have so many boxes and parcels arriving at this time of year with all sorts of deliveries – why not reuse them and create some beautiful seasonal decorations?
You will need:
– cardboard packaging
– scrap paper (we used plain white packing paper that came as padding inside a delivery, and scraps of leftover wrapping paper)
– glue
– scissors
– pen or pencil
– tape – recyclable, if possible!
– two short ribbons
– anything you like to decorate – ribbon, holly, glitter, pens, stickers
Step 1: draw your shape on cardboard, with a nice thick border, and cut out. We did a simple circle to make a wreath, but you could make stars, hearts, holly leaves – it’s up to you. Note: if you want to hang your decoration somewhere where the back can be seen, you might like to make two identical shapes, then secure them back-to-back before displaying!
Step 2: cut your paper into strips. Thinner strips work better as they are easier to position, but thicker strips might be quicker!
Step 3: decide which side of your shape is the front and which is the back. Spread glue over the front, then begin carefully wrapping the strips of paper around. Start each new strip at the back, and make sure they overlap to fix down the loose ends and neaten the edges.
Step 4: continue to wrap strips around until the card is fully covered. If you have different types of paper you can create a pattern as you go. We used two layers of white to create a solid look, then added on the other colours. Add more glue as needed.
Step 5: use small pieces of tape to secure any loose ends or edges on the back.
Step 6: tie one piece of ribbon around your shape at the top and secure loose ends at the back, and then tie the other piece of ribbon into the first to create a hanging loop.
Step 7: finish off your decoration with any embellishments you have to hand – we added a miniature bauble and some sparkly tape.
Step 8: hang your decoration and enjoy it all season! Then when it’s time to tidy away, you can recycle it – just remember to remove any non-recyclable parts, of course!
The local Food Parcels Project for Ash, Ash Vale and Ash Green is appealing for Christmas Hamper items and winter warmers for local families this Christmas.
Not everyone will be in a position to help this year, but if you can, we will be very thankful. Donations can be dropped off on or before Saturday 17th December at St Mary’s Church Vale Rd on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays 9:00-12:00 or at other times by arrangement (please text 07730609446) THANK YOU!
Ideas for things to donate? Hot water bottles, warm socks, blankets, childrens toys (no cuddly toys please), sweets and treats, cranberry sauce, mince pies, biscuits, Christmas cake, crackers, Christmas pudding, custard, chocolates, seasonal fruit and veg, tinned ham, christmas activity books, board games, festive toiletries… think about what makes your Christmas special – let’s share some of that Christmas joy! Thank you for your support.