Get ready for the Lost Sheep Trail this Half term!
Put a sheep on display in your window, shop front or garden and let us know, so we can add you to the list, then use the list for a Sheep-spotting walk as part of your daily exercise in half term!
Click here for the list of sheep to find!

Sheep: If you’re taking part by displaying a sheep please send us a note with your sheep’s name and location, so we can put you on the trail map. You can draw a picture, create a window display, make a life sized sheep for your front lawn, paint a sheep on a rock or even craft a nifty little knitted number! Text Alex on 07730 609446 or message us on Facebook @StMarysAshVale
Trail Walkers: We will publish the Lost Sheep Trail on the St Mary’s website & Facebook pages for everyone to enjoy in Half Term. We will adjust things to meet the rules on the day so keep an eye out for news! Facebook @StMarysAshVale #LostSheepTrail
To start you off, can you find all the sheep in this magazine?
PS -If you’d like to knit your sheep the Messy Church website has great pattern here: