Weekly Diary – January 2022

What’s on in the New Year, Jan. 2022


Keep fit:  HIIT at 7.45pm with Janet Thomas Fitness at St Mary’s https://www.facebook.com/JanetThomasFitness


Babies at St Mary’s Support Group 10am—11.30am : A support group for 0-12mth olds and their parents and carers. Tea, coffee, chat, and we have song time at the end. All welcome. Text or call for details 07730 609446  (St Mary’s, Vale Rd) Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/996685097487498

Continue reading “Weekly Diary – January 2022”

St Mary’s invites you to celebrate Christmas 2021

St Mary’s invites you to celebrate Christmas 2021

Mon 6th Dec. St Nicholas Lantern Walk 4-6pm Celebrate Advent with a lantern walk from The Chapel (Wharf Rd) to the church garden at St Mary’s (Vale Rd), where you can meet St Nicholas, enjoy the bonfire and taste Rev Neil’s famous home made pizza! Text to book a start time: 07730 609446

Continue reading “St Mary’s invites you to celebrate Christmas 2021”

Love and Light Trail

Sunday 31 October 21

4pm-7pm Free Community Fun!

Contact us to book! 07730 609446

Book Today!  Our Love & Light trail this year starts at St Mary’s on Vale Rd and finishes at The Chapel on Wharf Rd with music, fairy lights, food, sweets and hot chocolate. (outside if fine, inside if wet) Start times and group sizes will be advised once we know what the covid rules are, but please book now to secure a place. If you complete the trail you will also receive a messy church Love and Light kit to take home, so be sure to get your name on the list and we will have your bag ready for you.

Do you live between The Chapel and St Mary’s? Please fill your windows and gardens with lights and hearts on 31st October!  If you’re happy to display a trail clue in your window on the day please get in touch, Alex would love to include you! Thank You xxx 

projectmanager@ash-vale.org.uk / 07730 609446 (Alex)

Save the date – Christmas Tree Exhibition

A Christmas tree display with the theme of Christmas Carols will be held in St. Peter’s Church on 4th and 5th of December.  Groups or individuals can join in the fun by choosing a Carol and decorating a tree, real or artificial and any size. The church will be decorated with nativity sets, greenery and candles and help us all get in the Christmas season. If you would like get creative for Christmas please contact Barbara Rose 07761808727.

What’s on in October and November 2021?

Regular Events at St Mary’s and The Chapel:


10:30am Church Service at St Mary’s church, Vale Rd GU12 5JE  followed by refreshments & chat


11:30am Coffee Zoom for parents and carers text Alex 07730 609446


10:00am -11:30am Babies at St Mary’s Support Group, for parents and carers and their little ones 0-12mths. Join us for cuppa & chat and we finish with some songs. Text Alex to book 07730609446 

12:00—12:30 Prayer time at St Mary’s

8pm Choir practise at St Mary’s, no auditions, contact the parish office if you’d like to join. Christmas Choir starts after half term. All welcome


11:30am-1:30pm Chapel Kids baby and toddler group at The Chapel on Vale Rd, play, story and craft followed by lunch club. Fruit snack and tea & coffee provided. (Bring a picnic lunch) contact Alex to book 07730 609446

8pm Chapel Craft Club, bring your latest project and chat while you craft.


7:30pm Chapel Filmshare, our neighbourhood cinema. Fortnightly film fun. Contact Dick  01252 694314 or email Richard.elsey45@gmail.com


10am-11:30am Community Cafe at St Marys, all welcome. 

10am-11am Hear hear is back! Pop over to St Mary’s in Vale Rd and have your hearing aid batteries and tubes changed by Jackie. (First Friday of the month)

10:30am bible study in church

Regular Bible study and homegroups – We have several groups running at different times during the week, please get in touch.  parishoffice@ash-vale.org.uk

Chapel Poetry  Group

Monthly zoom workshop with Poet in Residence Max Alcazar. Join our next session on 1st October 7:30om or text us for future dates 07730 609446.

All the above events are free / by donation, and your support is welcomed so we can keep offering these events for the community. Donations link: https://givealittle.co/campaigns/47eb21e6-c2b0-4a23-a526-8d13fd24fa56

Thank you!

What’s on in October & November 2021

Chapel Monthly Makes

Creative workshops led by Artist in Residence Debi Retallick. Once a month on Thursday afternoons, contact Debo for details and bookings debiretallick@googlemail.com 

Music & Wellbeing Workshops 

Fridays in October & November at The Chapel 12:30, see page 19 for more information. Come to our taster on Friday 1st October! 

Tongham Baby & Toddler Groups:

Baby Plus Thursdays 10:30-12

Toddler Plus Wednesdays 10:30-12

Contact Claire  to book on:


Local walking group: Walk & Talk – enjoy a local social walk and get to know your neighbours. Facebook or contact Naomi 07932649133

3rd October New Ramp Opening at St Paul’s church on Poyle Rd in Tongham, come and join the celebration! 2pm

10th October 10:30am Harvest Festival at St Marys in Ash Vale, we are collecting donations for the local Food Parcels Project. (Store cupboard food items, cash donations and toiletries all much appreciated)

21 Oct & 18 Nov Messy Church Packs available from St Paul’s Tongham, and 24th Oct & 28th Nov On site Messy Church at St Paul’s Tongham, Contact St Paul’s to book. http://www.stpaulstongham.org.uk/

31st October Love and Light Trail, finishing at The Chapel with food, fun, messy church kits and hot chocolate, contact Alex to book your start time 07730609446 (More info on our inside back cover)

14 Nov Remembrance Day a short service at St Mary’s and then we will all join the civic service in the village. The Churches Together team will serve tea & coffee afterwards.

20th November Quiz Night at St Mary’s doors open 7pm for a 7:30pm start. Book with Nikki, tickets £12, Food included, byob. We have a Grand Raffle being drawn too, win a Robot Vacuum cleaner! (see page 11)

20 November:  Vivace Chorus will perform Elgar’s “The Dream of Gerontius” at Dorking Halls, 7.30pm. phone 01306 881717 www.vivacechorus.org  To book.

Messy Church at  Frimley Green Methodist Church: 3rd Sunday of the month. Contact Gina 01252 517045

Save the dates for December:

3rd December Christmas Fair at St Peters in Ash 

6th December St Nicholas day lantern walk from

24th December Christingle services & Midnight Mass

Quiz Night!

Great News!  Nikki, Brian, Alex and the team are back, with a November Quiz Night for your enjoyment!

St Mary’s Church, Vale Road, GU12 5JE

20th November, doors open 7pm for a 7.30pm start.

Tickets £12 include Quiz and food. BYOB and the Grand Raffle includes a top prize of a robot vacuum cleaner!

Tickets: parishoffice@ash-vale.org.uk or call Nikki on 07747 561280

Limited tickets! Please book ASAP to avoid disappointment.

All proceeds after costs will go towards church funds to keep St Mary’s & all our projects running for our community

Online ticket donations: https://givealittle.co/campaigns/7b3dc738-0ad1-4ff5-b99b-ef24a2830254  (please contact Nikki for availability to book before you pay)

Picnic & Play in the Holidays

Picnic & Play in the Holidays

12:00 -14:00

Wednesdays in August

Outside in the garden at

The Chapel, Wharf Rd, GU12 5AY

Come and join us for a picnic, a chat  and a play in the Chapel garden.

Please text Alex to book 07730 609446

Booking is essential so we can manage numbers

& cater for your picnic lunch.