What’s on in February & March 2022 – Regular Groups

Keep fit:  HIIT at 7.45pm with Janet Thomas Fitness (St Mary’s, Vale Rd)

Baby Group 10am—11.30am : A support group for 0-12mth olds and their parents and carers. Tea, coffee, chat, and we have song time at the end. All welcome. Text or call Alex for details 07730 609446  (St Mary’s, Vale Rd)
Choir Practise: 8pm on Tuesday evenings, all welcome (St Mary’s, Vale Rd)
Keep fit:  Fit Steps 7.30pm with Janet Thomas Fitness (St Mary’s, Vale Rd)

Chapel Kids 11:30am—1.30pm Come and join our Baby & Toddler group with craft, story and songs at The Chapel. All welcome 0-4yrs and their parents and carers. We eat lunch together too. Bring a picnic or enjoy something from the community fridge! (The Chapel, Wharf Rd)
Chapel Craft 8pm-10pm Bring along your latest craft project and craft  enjoy a  sociable cuppa and chat as we craft. (The Chapel, Wharf Rd)

Thursdays :
Baby Plus (Tongham)  10.30am Baby group for non-walkers at The Old School, Poyle Rd, Tongham. (St Paul’s, Poyle Rd)
** Lent Special ** Thursday Lent Film nights 6.30pm at The Chapel  
Every Thursday in lent—Film, food and discussion. Starts on 3rd March, running for 6 weeks, all welcome. Text to book 07730 609446

Community  Café 10am-12 Noon Please pop in for a cuppa and a chat at the  St Mary’s community café. All are welcome, all faiths and none, all ages and stages. It’s free / by donation (St Mary’s, Vale Rd)

Sunday Services 10:30am at St Mary’s. All are welcome, whether life long Christians or just exploring. We serve refreshments after the service, join us for cuppa & chat. You can also join us via Zoom online.
Sunday School is on too!  Join us on Sundays at 10:30 at St Mary’s while your grownups are in church. The sessions are aimed at school age children.

More on Facebook: @StMarysAshVale @TheParishioner @AshValeChapel

A huge * Thank You * to all of you who supported our first Christmas Market!

By Val Hoppichler

What an amazing event the Christmas Market & Carols was at St Mary’s! We want to say a huge thank you to everyone who had a stall, all who came to support us and of course the choir who led us in the beautiful carols afterwards. We  enjoyed being able to invite the whole community to be a part of  Christmas at St Mary’s even though we couldn’t do our usual events indoors.

Continue reading “A huge * Thank You * to all of you who supported our first Christmas Market!”

Join in with Lent in 2022

Join us at your local churches for Lent events and activities in 2022. All Welcome.

Thursday Lent Film Nights 6:30pm at The Chapel on Wharf Rd. Every Thursday in Lent, starting 3rd March for 6 weeks. Film, food and discussion. Each week will be different so you can come to one, some or all. Text to book 07730 609446.

Messy Church during Lent: St Mary’s in Ash vale invite you to Messy Church on Sunday 27th Feb and Sunday 20th March 4-6pm. All Welcome, but please book ahead! Text to book: 07730 609446

Continue reading “Join in with Lent in 2022”

Cast your Votes at the Co-op to support Food Projects at The Chapel!

By Alex Sanderson (Chapel Project Manager)

As most locals will already know, the Chapel Project on Wharf Rd is all about sharing Christ’s love through creativity, hospitality and worship. We welcome everyone, of all faiths and none. The Chapel is a joint initiative between the Hants Surrey Border Methodist Circuit, and St Marys Church in Ash Vale (more on our website here: www.ashvalechapel.com and Facebook @ashvalechapel). Now you can help us do more in 2022, through the Co-op ‘Local Causes’ scheme! https://www.coop.co.uk/local-causes

Continue reading “Cast your Votes at the Co-op to support Food Projects at The Chapel!”

What’s On this Christmas? 2021

Your local Churches Together & community events at a glance

Events during Advent:

Sat 27 Nov: Christmas Cards drop-in Workshop, 1-4pm Visit Ash Fantasia and then pop over to the Chapel on Wharf Rd to make a Christmas card.  No need to book, just pop in. (The Chapel)

Sat 27th Nov: Ash Christmas Fantasia. Contact to book a stall: events@ashpcsurrey.gov.uk. Market opens 12:00, carols at 16:30 and lights switch on by 5pm. (The Ash Centre, Ash Hill Rd)

Continue reading “What’s On this Christmas? 2021”