Reflections on Memories in Poetry
Many thanks to everyone who entered the poetry competition published in the previous Parishioner Magazine. We had some wonderful entries and were only sad not to be able to include them all in the new collection. We also want to thank everyone who came to the poetry evening, and donated for books, to help fund The Chapel Project. Huge congratulations to our Poetry Competition winners, Kit Vessey and Michael D Rose who won 1st and 2nd prizes. Here are their poems for you to enjoy (published with kind permission, copyright is retained by the authors).
ice giant
a white tongue on the landscape,
you skirr somnolently through hillsides
on a ballet of debris –
a geological pencil-sharpener.
Your blistered surface is a mirror maze,
infested with the hammer-blow entertainments
of a travelling fair,
a cavernous lure, driving sunlight
deep into the churning score
of your battleship-sleep.
By Michael D Rose ©2021
Mirror Mind– 2nd Prize Winner
The Day I Lost My Memory
The day I lost my memory
Was a Wednesday
I think.
I put her down
On the kitchen counter,
Turned distractedly from
The kettle
To watch the dust motes
Sparkle in a shaft of daylight.
I did not miss her
My mind twinkled with
Images of light darting on
The eiderdown which
Lay over heavy blankets forming
A counterpane land of
My childhood frailty…
Weak legs
Strong mind
Strong legs
Weak mind.
I have heard it said that
Those who lose their memory
Often keep their physical prowess.
A whistle blew.
I turned back
And wondered about the nature of the
Here and Now.
The There and Then.
The pain of loss
Is a burden
I pass on to another being.
I left something,
Before the daylight struck.
But I can’t remember
Who she was.
By Kit Vessey © 2021
Mirror Mind – 1st prize winner
It’s no too late! If you would like a copy of the Mirror Mind collection, contact Alex our Project Manager on 07730 609446 or Suggested donation £5 each, in aid of the Chapel Project, to help us keep everything running.
If you love writing poetry, why not join in? The next Poetry workshop is on Friday 13th August 7:30pm on Zoom. #Hospitality #Creativity #Worship Text 07730 609446 for details.