Help is at hand! Useful numbers December 2021

Help is at hand!  Useful numbers… Here are some of the useful numbers you may need if you need support in Ash Vale. If you think we are missing a number please let us know.

Local Churches:

St Mary’s, Ash Vale – 07863 311165 (Parish Administrator’s Mobile)

The Chapel, Ash Vale –  07730 609446 (Project Manager’s Mobile)

St Peter’s, Ash – 01252 331161

Holy Angels, Ash – 01252 321422 (Catholic Church)

St Paul’s, Tongham – 01252 782790

Continue reading “Help is at hand! Useful numbers December 2021”

St Mary’s invites you to celebrate Christmas 2021

St Mary’s invites you to celebrate Christmas 2021

Mon 6th Dec. St Nicholas Lantern Walk 4-6pm Celebrate Advent with a lantern walk from The Chapel (Wharf Rd) to the church garden at St Mary’s (Vale Rd), where you can meet St Nicholas, enjoy the bonfire and taste Rev Neil’s famous home made pizza! Text to book a start time: 07730 609446

Continue reading “St Mary’s invites you to celebrate Christmas 2021”

What’s inside? Oct/Nov 2021 Parishioner

A letter from the Vicarage  — (p3&4) By Revd Neil Lambert                 

What’s going on at Ash Manor?  – (p8&9) by Sue Wyeth-Price

Advice from Ash CAB—(p10)

*** QUIZ NIGHT 20th November **** full details (p11) book today!

Shopping Local  – (p14) By Jackie Scott

Seasonal Recipe: Oat cookies—(p15) by Jackie Scott

What’s on in October & November—(p16&17)

Autumn Bible Study—(p20&21) By Helen Lambert

Ash Vale Community Street Team—(p22&23) By Pat Scott

Autumn Word Search  – (p23)

News from Age UK Surrey—(p24)

An update on the ‘Save the Ranges’ campaign—(p25) by Tim Jones

Remembering Ada Young—(p26) By Nikki Glover

Autumn Challenge—(p27) by Steph Farry

Helping Others—(p28) Local Action for Refugees & shoebox appeal

Harvest Home 2021 —(p29) Scrivener’s seasonal reflections

Useful Numbers—(p30)

*** Love & Light Trail “”” 31 Oct 2021 full details inside back cover

Community café welcomes you at St Mary’s on Fridays 10:30-12:00. No need to book just pop in. Tea, coffee, chat, come and say hello (and you can pick up a Parishioner Magazine while you’re here!) 🙂

We welcome fun, informative and local interest items! The copy deadline for the Dec/Jan 2021 issue is 10th November. Emails please to:  Thank you!

While the COVID infections rates remain high, we are minimising the risk to our readers and volunteers by printing only on request, and by sharing The Parishioner far and wide via email, website and social media instead. Please remember to like & share online! If you or someone you know would like a paper copy please pick one up at St Mary’s or contact 07730 609446  to request one. Best wishes & stay safe!

The Parishioner seeks to explore and reflect upon a wide variety of local issues whilst recognising that not everyone will agree with the views expressed.  These do not necessarily reflect the views of all the members of St Mary’s Church nor those of its Parochial Church Council.

Love and Light Trail

Sunday 31 October 21

4pm-7pm Free Community Fun!

Contact us to book! 07730 609446

Book Today!  Our Love & Light trail this year starts at St Mary’s on Vale Rd and finishes at The Chapel on Wharf Rd with music, fairy lights, food, sweets and hot chocolate. (outside if fine, inside if wet) Start times and group sizes will be advised once we know what the covid rules are, but please book now to secure a place. If you complete the trail you will also receive a messy church Love and Light kit to take home, so be sure to get your name on the list and we will have your bag ready for you.

Do you live between The Chapel and St Mary’s? Please fill your windows and gardens with lights and hearts on 31st October!  If you’re happy to display a trail clue in your window on the day please get in touch, Alex would love to include you! Thank You xxx / 07730 609446 (Alex)

Help is at hand! Useful numbers

Here are some of the useful numbers you may need if you need support in Ash Vale. If you think we are missing a number please let us know.

Local Churches:

St Mary’s, Ash Vale – 07863 311165 (Parish Administrator’s Mobile)

The Chapel, Ash Vale –  07730 609446 (Project Manager’s Mobile)

St Peter’s, Ash – 01252 331161

Holy Angels, Ash – 01252 321422

St Paul’s, Tongham – 01252 782790

Local help and support during the Covid-19 crisis:

Ash, Ash Vale & Ash Green Coronavirus Support group (volunteers doing shopping & prescription runs & emergency  food parcels)  – 07843 489796

Ash Parish Council – 01252 328 287

Ash Citizens Advice  –  01252 315569 or 01252 314711

Ash Vale Health Centre – 01252 317551 (Out of hours phone 111, in an emergency dial 999)

Guildford Borough Council Covid-19 Community Helpline – 01483 444400

Community Wellbeing Team – 07769 642053 / 07901 513652

Safe & Settled Team  – 01483 444476 for those needing help at home on arriving back from hospital or needing some help to manage at home.

If you need to talk to someone : national helplines

Samaritans (24/7 service) – 116 123 or text SHOUT 85258

National Domestic Abuse Helpline – 0808 2000 247 (run by Refuge)
The Men’s Advice Line, for male domestic abuse survivors – 0808 801 0327
The Mix, free information/support for under 25s in the UK – 0808 808 4994
National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline – 0800 999 5428

PAPYRUS—Young suicide prevention society,  0800 068 4141

Childline for children 0800 1111

Alcoholics Anonymous — 0800 917 7650 (24/7)

Narcotics Anonymous — 0300 999 1212

Cruse Bereavement Care — 0808 808 1677

Contacting The Parishioner:

Call Alex 07730 609446 in the first instance and she will put you in touch with the right volunteer

Donations: Did you know? You can now ’Give a Little’ online to support St Mary’s Church and all the work we do. We very much need and appreciate your support in these difficult times.

Thank you!

Harvest Home 2021

Early Autumn is hard work for the farmer, the allotmenteer and the home gardener alike. It’s harvesting time. For the non-professionals there are beans and more beans, courgettes by the millions until one becomes sick and tired of ratatouille, produce to go into the freezer: jams, chutneys, pickles and damson gin to make. It’s hard work time all round, but enjoyable as the fruits of the harvest are sorted and stored for the winter and the harder times ahead. The Harvest Home is a collective sigh of relief at a job well done leading to many a sore head the morning after.

But there is a sadness in the air too, as the plots are cleared the compost bins start to fill up and the ground becomes a little bare unless planted with green manure crops or one of the overwintering spring vegetables. We can plan and re-plan what we would like to do, but in reality we are blithely ignorant of what nature has in store in the future. For the moment we can enjoy our ignorance by studying the plant/seed catalogues and dreaming of next year’s extra special crops for as the saying goes,

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow a mystery, today is the present, accept it as a gift”.

But this Autumn there is more uncertainty than usual, the effects of Covid 19 and Brexit (I refuse to “do a rant” about either) are still working their way through the system and there have been warnings of commercial shortages ahead. However, what can be said is that very little can be expected to return to what was “normal” before and we are just going to have to get used to it.

Some students have found on-line learning superior to face to face learning; office workers especially, have discovered how they can successfully perform their jobs in the spare room or the garden shed; online shopping is causing a revolution on the High Street; Zoom has entered the English lexicon and many a meeting has been held with the participants sitting at home in comfortable surroundings (with good biscuits and a cup of coffee/tea) instead of round a board room table with uncomfortable “sit up and beg” chairs with knees bashing the table legs, (this may or may not lead to better decisions being taken).

So Harvest Festival 2021 is going to be a real oddball.  For many of us, besides the happiness of the Harvest Home, there is the sadness of the memories of friends and relations who are no longer with us.  We may not have even been able to attend the funerals in person to close the relationships and that can hurt.  We can but pray and hope that the mystery that is tomorrow will give both us and those around us the chance to re-set our lives from hereon in.


Shoebox time!

St. Peter’s church in Ash will be filling shoeboxes for Christmas to send a little love to children through Operation Christmas Child. If you would like to help by making up a box or donating items please bring them to St. Peter’s Church, leave them by the Rectory door or at 50, South Lane, Ash. We will be collecting until 1st November. A list of suitable toys, school supplies etc. can be found on the website. It would be great if we could be a little greener this year by buying things like wooden pencil crayons, yoyos and wooden handled skipping ropes or wind up torches and solar powered calculators. Thank you 

Barbara Rose 07761808727

Local Action for Refugees

Here are just a few of the ways you can help…

Donations: Farnham Help for refugees in the UK & Overseas are collecting donations in October. Check their Facebook page for details of what items are needed and where to take them. There is a drop-off point in Farnham at Anytime Fitness  where you can drop off donations at any time. Most needed are: New men’s boxers and socks (size s/m) and warm clothes, coats, t-shirts, shoes, joggers and essential toiletries. (See the facebook page online for more)

Housing: As more refugees are welcomed in to the area, housing will be needed so that families can move out of emergency accommodation. Council housing cannot be used for this, so private rental housing is needed. The diocese are hoping to help find more landlords willing to house refugee families. If you have a property you would be willing to let, to help a family, please get in touch.

Volunteering: Volunteers are also much needed, as an essential part of settling in, sorting paperwork and becoming part of the local community. If you can offer help with lifts, appointments, paperwork and befriending please get in touch