Weekly Diary – January 2022

What’s on in the New Year, Jan. 2022


Keep fit:  HIIT at 7.45pm with Janet Thomas Fitness at St Mary’s https://www.facebook.com/JanetThomasFitness


Babies at St Mary’s Support Group 10am—11.30am : A support group for 0-12mth olds and their parents and carers. Tea, coffee, chat, and we have song time at the end. All welcome. Text or call for details 07730 609446  (St Mary’s, Vale Rd) Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/996685097487498

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What’s On this Christmas? 2021

Your local Churches Together & community events at a glance

Events during Advent:

Sat 27 Nov: Christmas Cards drop-in Workshop, 1-4pm Visit Ash Fantasia and then pop over to the Chapel on Wharf Rd to make a Christmas card.  No need to book, just pop in. (The Chapel)

Sat 27th Nov: Ash Christmas Fantasia. Contact to book a stall: events@ashpcsurrey.gov.uk. Market opens 12:00, carols at 16:30 and lights switch on by 5pm. (The Ash Centre, Ash Hill Rd)

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A Bible Study for Christmas (Philippians 2:1-16)

By Helen Lambert

As we draw near to Christmas, and so much vies for our limited attention, energy and resources, this letter penned by the apostle Paul whilst in prison provides a timely reminder of how we might approach this season whilst remaining mindful of the “reason”…

The central theme is captured in verses 6-11, which takes the form of a poem or hymn, and expands on what we might think of as our core Christmas message – that God himself was born as a baby and shared our human life with us.

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Ash Ranges Update

Have you heard the latest?

If you have been reading the online version of The Parishioner magazine during the covid crisis, you may remember this Parishioner cover some months ago. A lot has happened since we last printed a Parishioner and popped it through all your doors! Here’s an update for anyone who missed it. Tim Jones is our contact within the “Save our Spaces” team and shares the latest news with us: 

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Try something new this winter!

By Steph Farry

Looking for some new things to try this December, that aren’t the usual paper chains and ice skating?  Embrace the frosty weather and the long evenings, and light up your winter from the inside out with these ideas.

Apparently, people in the UK have been reading much more since the beginning of the pandemic, and between escapism and boredom it’s not hard to think of reasons why.  If you’re not one of those who has yet started—or returned to—reading, the return of winter could be the perfect time.

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Top tips for a Low Waste Christmas

From our local Zero Waste shop — Twin Larder

At Christmas, UK households produce 30% more waste with over 250,000 tonnes of plastic discarded and £42 million worth of unwanted presents that are thrown out and sent to landfill each year!  If you are worried about the state of our planet just like us, we have put together a few gift-giving ideas and tips for a more ethical, eco-friendly, low impact and sustainable Christmas. 

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Eco news from The Parishioner!

Eco News from The Parishioner!

In discussions with the St Mary’s PCC, who take Eco-Church principles very seriously, we have decided to strike a balance between ecological considerations and the need for paper copies of the magazine, now that we have approval to deliver through your doors once again. Our Christmas and Easter editions will now be a full print run, delivered all around Ash Vale. The other issues in between will be mainly online with limited printed copies available to collect from St Mary’s or pre-order on 07730 609446. The magazine is available online via St Mary’s website and social media as well as being sent out to all those on the email distribution list. With Christmas wishes  to all our readers

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