A letter from the Vicarage — (p3&4) By Revd Neil Lambert
**Summer Ball 21st August, book your tickets today! (p5) **
Neighbourly Reflections — (p8&9) By Jackie Scott
Friday Night Isonation — (p10) By Steve Worsfold
Faith, Hope and Love in Uganda Lockdown (p11) Amaha We Uganda Update
My Favourite Recipe — (p14&15) Walnut Kisses by Jackie Scott
Chapel Music News — (p15) Matt Weeks enjoying the diversity at The Chapel
What’s on? – (p17) pull out and pop on the fridge!
Messy Church dates for the diary — (p19)
Bible Study—Where do we belong? — (p20&21) by Helen Lambert
Mirror Mind—Poetry Competition Winners! – (p22&23)
Ash Citizens Advice – (p24)
Chapel Filmshare – (p25) Dick Elsey invites you for a movie
Post Holiday Kitchen Blues – (p26 & 27)
Kids corner—(p28) Lucy suggests 10 things for kids to try in the summer holidays
Modern Aids—(p29) Scrivener
Help is at hand—useful numbers (p30)
Picnic & Play news (inside back cover)

Community café is on this Summer at St Mary’s on Fridays 10:30-12:00. No need to book just pop in. Tea, coffee, chat, come and say hello 🙂
We welcome fun, informative and local interest items!
The copy deadline for the Oct/Nov 2021 issue is 10th September.
Emails please to: parishioner@ash-vale.org.uk Thank you!
While the COVID infections rates remain high, we are minimising the risk to our readers and volunteers by printing only on request, and by sharing The Parishioner far and wide via email, website and social media instead. Please remember to like & share online! If you or someone you know would like a paper copy please pick one up at St Mary’s or contact 07730 609446 to request one. Best wishes & stay safe!
The Parishioner seeks to explore and reflect upon a wide variety of local issues whilst recognising
that not everyone will agree with the views expressed. These do not necessarily reflect the views of all the members of St Mary’s Church nor those of its Parochial Church Council.