Churchwardens: Martin Lindsay and Nikki Glover
Hon Treasurer: Patrick Brown
Parish Administrator: Jackie Scott e-mail parishoffice@ash-vale.org.uk
Office Hours Tues 11am-4pm, Thurs 10am-3pm
Parish Office Mobile: 9am-5pm: 07863 311165
Church Services:
Sunday Morning 10am Services: On Zoom now & in Person after lockdown!
You are welcome to Zoom in to the Sunday Morning service at 10am; simply email the Parish Administrator to receive the link, or find us on Facebook @StMarysAshVale.
After lockdown ends you will also be able to attend in person, with extra measures to keep everyone safe. On arrival please sign in or scan the QR code on your NHS app, use hand sanitiser, pop on your mask and go directly to your seat and remain seated. We must not mingle, so as to protect all those attending. (Please stay away and use zoom if you have COVID-19 symptoms). We look forward to welcoming you.
Evensong Wednesdays 8pm
You can Zoom in to Evensong on Wednesday nights or join us in the car park. Email the Parish Administrator to join our mailing list and receive the link. Keep in touch as arrangements are always evolving !

Messy Church—See our Messy Church Page for more details
– Jan: “Messy Church At Home” Kits
– Feb: Lost Sheep Trail around the village during Half Term
– March: Messy Lent in church if permitted (otherwise on Zoom)
– April: Messy Easter TBC watch this space!
St Mary’s Community Centre Bookings:
· Large hall & kitchen
· Small hall & sink
· Wheelchair accessible toilet
Bookings: Please contact the Parish Administrator for news. We are following emerging Government and Church of England guidance.
The Chapel Project, Ash Vale
The Chapel Project, (former Methodist Church) Ash Vale Chapel, Wharf Rd, GU12 5AY
(Joint project with the Hants-Surrey-Border Methodist Circuit
Project Manager: 07730 609446 Website: www.ashvalechapel.com
The Parishioner Magazine:
Editors: Alex Sanderson & Neil Lambert parishioner@ash-vale.org.uk Alex: 07730 609446
Advertising: Eileen Monds Collation: Alison Shewell Distribution: Caroline Johnson
Plus… we are hugely grateful to a small army of willing volunteers who contribute, collate, publish, email, print, bundle and deliver The Parishioner to all our readers!
During the Pandemic we are publishing mainly online, by email and on social media, with paper copies on request. If you would like to join the email list please contact the Parish Office. If you’d like a paper copy please collect one at St Mary’s or text us: 077309 609446
You can also find us on Facebook:
St Mary’s: @StMarysAshVale
The Chapel: @AshValeChapel
The Parishioner: @TheParishioner