Peter Corns shares the latest news:
For those of you who have not as yet visited the newly opened ‘corridor’, I would encourage you to do so during the open period this weekend.
Although this corridor, together with the other access areas, does not reflect the loss of amenities we have suffered since April 2020 it does show what can be achieved through active protest and pressure by all of YOU.
Make no mistake – without your commitment we would have gained nothing and all access would have been lost!
We must ensure that we continue to keep the DIO ‘honest’ and press for the missing gate at the bottom of range 1 access road to be installed sooner rather than later.
To help with orientation for those who have yet to use the corridor I would offer the following;
If you stay near the left hand fence (separates ETR from corridor) you will eventually come out on the forbidden area perimeter fence near the disused troop range shelter and toilets and Red brick wall. If you turn left you will eventually arrive at the main exterior RDA plateau where you can go left to Furze Hill flag or right towards Normandy area. This is about 2km from the Swan. If you turn right after emerging through gate you will eventually come to a gate which follows the corridor right hand fence. This is about 1.2km from the Swan.
Please use this area – thanks to everyone who has (and will continue) to fight against the DIO oppression!
