Poets Corner

Pop the kettle on and enjoy!

We love to receive your letters, riddles, poems and funnies. We love this poem sent in by one of our lovely readers. Could this be a perfect start to an eco Christmas, or perhaps even the inspiration for a New Year’s resolution?


I’m trying to declutter, but oh what a lot

Of things I’ve collected all these years, in this plot.

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Poetry Corner

Memory Marks

Laughter dances with pollen,

Creaks’ crescendos unheard.

Feathers fly.

Stored energy surges.

All that is home watches.

Then Silence.

Popping, a paper bag inflates,

Mother of pillow fights done.

My son’s Asthma abates.

The tree deteriorates.

Cotton white daisies delight.

Then silence.

Ripping bares my chubby legs.

Roots display their hidden mane.

My dress was darned.

The rented house intact.

Seat belts clicked.

Then silence.

Spinning wildly in the sun.

Driving home on scorching seats.

I outgrew my party dress.

My Mum sold her old Cortina.

New Jeans made climbing easy.

Then silence.

Racing up to the seagulls.

Dad’s last jumper warmed.

The Helter-Skelter, candy striped.

Harlequin’s knit, ruby bright.

Coconut mats dirty, scratchy.

Then silence.

Pushing off first-time fear.

Racing to Grandma’s Terrace.

Exhilaration confidence builds.

Her cobble lane history rubs.

Swatches of memory unseen move.

Then life.

By PCD Roberts

Thought for Today

Do you mean what you say when you praise my name?

Is it only fine words, is it all just a game?

When you say all your thanks —does it come from the heart?

Do you really mean it, or maybe just one part?

Think on these things—that My love for you

Is all embracing, is completely true.

I love to hear you singing—a love song to my ears

That also helps to lift you through the oncoming years.

Are the words that you sing for my ears alone?

Do you mean what you say, whatever the tone?

A song from your heart is what gladdens my own

What raises us all up—a place near my throne.

Join in with the crowd, you’re all friends of mine.

Come join with the angels— O chorus sublime.


Enjoy these wonderful poems with a cuppa, and why not send us your own? The copy deadline for our June/July edition is 7th May 2021 parishioner@ash-vale.org.uk