Roots down… into the Gospel, walls down… into the community
Sunday Morning 10am Services: In the Vicarage Garden this Summer, or on Zoom. You are very welcome to join us in the vicarage garden, or for the zoom option simply email the Parish Administrator to receive the link, or find it on Facebook @StMarysAshVale. In the garden, please maintain social distance for safety. We must not mingle too closely so as to protect all those attending while COVID infection rates are still high. Please stay at home and use Zoom if you have COVID-19 symptoms). We look forward to welcoming you.
Evensong Wednesdays 8pm: You can Zoom in to Evensong on Wednesday nights . Email the Parish Administrator to join our mailing list and receive the link. Keep in touch as arrangements are always evolving! parishoffice@ash-vale.org.uk
Monthly Messy Church:
- Sun 26th Sept in church 4pm
- 31st Oct Love & Light event
- 6th Dec St Nic Lantern Walk.
Text Alex to book your place at Messy Church: 07730 609446
Vicar: Rev Neil Lambert, 203 Vale Road, Ash Vale, Surrey, GU12 5JE
email: revneil@me.com
Churchwardens: Martin Lindsay and Nikki Glover
Hon. Treasurer: Patrick Brown
Parish Administrator: Jackie Scott
E-mail parishoffice@ash-vale.org.uk
Office Hours Tues 11am-4pm, Thurs 10am-3pm
Parish Office Mobile: 9am-5pm: 07863 311165
St Mary’s Community Centre
· Large hall & kitchen
· Small hall & sink / coffee making area
· Wheelchair accessible toilet
Bookings: Please contact the Parish Administrator for news. We are following latest Government and CofE guidance.
Ash Vale Chapel, Wharf Rd
(Joint project with Hants Surrey Border Methodist Circuit) www.ashvalechapel.com
Project Manager: 07730 609446
Parishioner Magazine Team:
Editors: Alex Sanderson & Neil Lambert
Advertising: Eileen Monds Collation: Alison Shewell Distribution: Caroline Johnson
Contact the Parishioner team: parishioner@ash-vale.org.uk / Alex: 07730 609446
During the Pandemic we are publishing mainly online, via blog, online PDF, email and social media, with paper copies on request. Please collect your copy at St Mary’s or text us: 077309 609446 www.ash-vale.org.uk
We are hugely grateful to a small army of willing volunteers who contribute, collate, publish, email, print, bundle and deliver The Parishioner to all our readers!