News from Ashes Good Neighbours

Ashes Good Neighbours Scheme
As we start 2023 we wanted to let you know how we are progressing with launching the Ashes Good Neighbour Scheme.
The Ashes is a group of local volunteers who will help older residents of Ash and Ash Vale get to their doctor or hospital appointments, or maybe take someone to the hairdressers or to the shops.
Over the last year we have been recruiting volunteers who are happy to be drivers or duty officers, who will take the phone requests for assistance. The number of volunteers is rising steadily, but we will need more volunteers before we are able to launch AGN again. Is this something you might be interested in? You can choose what requests you accept, so the commitment is entirely under your control.
Throughout last year we held regular coffee mornings to allow people to meet and discuss the scheme more.
Our next coffee morning is on Wednesday 8th February 2023 at the Ash Centre, Ash Hill Road, at 10.30am. Please come along and meet other volunteers, find out about the scheme and mention this to anyone who may be interested.
No obligation- just come and say hello. We look forward to seeing you,
The Ashes Good Neighbours Committee

We can be contacted on

Mobile 07935 515221