Here are just a few of the ways you can help…
Donations: Farnham Help for refugees in the UK & Overseas are collecting donations in October. Check their Facebook page for details of what items are needed and where to take them. There is a drop-off point in Farnham at Anytime Fitness where you can drop off donations at any time. Most needed are: New men’s boxers and socks (size s/m) and warm clothes, coats, t-shirts, shoes, joggers and essential toiletries. (See the facebook page online for more)
Housing: As more refugees are welcomed in to the area, housing will be needed so that families can move out of emergency accommodation. Council housing cannot be used for this, so private rental housing is needed. The diocese are hoping to help find more landlords willing to house refugee families. If you have a property you would be willing to let, to help a family, please get in touch.
Volunteering: Volunteers are also much needed, as an essential part of settling in, sorting paperwork and becoming part of the local community. If you can offer help with lifts, appointments, paperwork and befriending please get in touch