Special events this week for Easter 2024:
Wednesday 7:30pm at St Mary’s: Neil’s talk – Reflection on the way of tea – “why I do what I do”
Thursday 6pm at st Mary’s: Maundy Thursday bring and share meal
Good Friday:
10:00 walk of witness sets off from st Mary’s
10:30 service with Churches Together at Ash Wharf outside by the canal bridge
11:30 hot cross buns at the Chapel on wharf rd, all welcome
Afternoon – st Mary’s open for prayer, craft and meditation
Saturday: st Mary’s open all day, come and help with church decoration, flowers team will be in 10:00-12:00 come and join in!
Easter Sunday: special Easter celebration service 10:30am at St Mary’s
(Remember the clock go forward!)
On as usual this week:
Chapel cafe 9:30-12:30
Little lambs 10:00-11:30
Chapelkids 11:00-14:00
(Friday cafe will be at chapel this week, not at st Mary’s)
All free to attend, all welcome, see you there!
Chapel Kids and friends will be going to visit Forest Kids Ash on 10th April. Text for more info! 07730609446