Help with household costs for pensioners – APPLY ASAP Sept 2022

News from Age UK Surrey

The government has issued financial support called the Household Support Fund which has been made available locally through Surrey County Council and selected organisations, which Age UK Surrey is one.

The fund is available to apply to until 30th September and gives direct financial support to pay gas, water and/or electricity bills potentially including arrears.  The value of any individual funding award will be dependent upon individual circumstances.

Eligibility for the fund includes pensioners, families with children on low incomes and single householders on fixed incomes.  Age UK Surrey has an allocation, while funds last, to support eligible pensioners.  

To find out if you are eligible and to receive support with applying Age UK Surrey is holding drop-in sessions:

At: The Clockhouse Community Centre, Chapel Lane, Milford, GU8 5EZ

On:  Tuesday 6th September and Thursday 8th September

Time:  10:00am – 3:00pm

Please bring your utility bill(s) with you and your estimated weekly income and household expenditure for example, food/telephone/mortgage or rent.

Further drop-in sessions will be held in other locations during the month, please visit the Age UK Surrey website for further information.

To contact Age UK Surrey please telephone 01483 503414 or email

Picnic and Play 2022

By Alex Sanderson (Project Manager)

We have had the BEST summer at The Chapel this year. It has been so lovely to be back with Picnic and Play, enjoying the activities and meeting friends old and new. Thank you to everyone who helped, donated and supported, and all who joined in and made it such fun! It was a wonderful community effort, with volunteers from local churches and the wider community coming together to make it a lovely summer for all.

The theme for August 2022 was The Seaside and we had our own “beach” with 850kg of sand to play in, and paddling pool to keep cool in the heatwave. Thank you to everyone who helped with that – it was a huge effort to prepare the garden and shift all that sand, we so appreciate your help!

We had wonderful help from the New Way Christian Life Fellowship team to clear the garden, and more volunteers sorting out the safety gates, moving furniture and doing tip runs just to name a few! One volunteer did a sweep of the whole area and pulled up every nettle and bramble to make us toddler safe. What a hero!

The Art and Craft activities were lovely, thanks to our Artists in Residence Debi and Jono, and Revd Gina and her team from the local Methodist Circuit. There was everything from tie dye to paper chain octopus and from potato printing to portraits. ChapelKids have been working on grow your own food projects in the Summer term, and shared some of their gardening skills, with cress planting, bean sprout jars and pea shoots. (Have a look at the beans growing in the garden now – they are ready to pick!). Everyone enjoyed the disco too, especially the games that involved winning sweets – thank you DJ Martin!

Our feedback forms were of course full of…. the pancakes! As ever the most popular bit of the picnic every summer. Thank you Revd Neil and Charlie for these, they were delicious. A huge thank you also goes to Barbara and Kat who made the sandwiches and Julie, Elaine and others who helped stuff all the picnic bags. George and Heather were wonderful too, providing a warm welcome and a hot cuppa (or a cold lemonade on the hottest days!)

The community feel was so lovely, with families arriving early to help set up and staying late to help tidy up and clean. The generosity of donations was super too, with lots of items donated for the play area and a fantastic summer swap shop. It’s one of those times when the phrase “it takes a village” rings true, in fact a lot of us would count one another as family. If you are in the area next summer, some and see what it’s all about!

We must give a special mention to our generous donors, including the Co-Op whose community funding is helping to cover some of the costs to make it happen. We do receive some donations from those participants who are able to give towards the costs, which is important to keep us open, but having this support from the community fund and other generous donors means we never have to turn anyone away who can’t donate. Thank you Co-Op! (Do keep swiping your co-op membership cards in the shop everyone please for the community fund points!)

As we look to the Autumn term, there is lots planned for you to come and enjoy at The Chapel. On Wednesdays, ChapelKids is starting up again for the Autumn term. 11am-14:00 including a new Parenting Pod and Lunch Club as well as the usual Baby and Toddler Group. For more details phone or text us on 07730 609446 (or whatsApp or imessage)

If you would like to donate for the work of The Chapel we welcome donations all year round. Thank you for your support!

We can crush for charity!

By Rosie

My name is Rosie, and I am 9 years old. I live in Surrey and go to school in Hampshire. I am a member of our school eco club and am passionate about making changes to help save our planet and animal habitats, but also to keep our local area clean and green. I wanted to do something to help and had heard that drinks cans are often put into landfill as they are not cleaned or put in the wrong bin. So I decided to collect cans to be recycled. I was told that I could be paid for the cans, so I thought I could raise money for charity as well as recycling. The charity I chose was Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice Care. I had heard how amazingly caring they are to people who are ill, and how much they support the families as well. They are based near to my home, and I wanted to support a local charity. They also seem really nice and friendly.

Lots of people from the area, Ash, Ash Vale, Tongham, Aldershot etc donated their cans . We had three collection bins, one at my house in Ash and one at the home of a lovely lady who offered to help in Ash Vale, called Claire, who was brilliant. The other was at a local café called Chappies, with the help of Jackie who owns the café. (Her waffles are amazing). Some of the local community even donated bins, which we really needed!

We collected the cans and took them to Shaun and all the staff at Bakers, a metal recycling company, in Farnham. They have been raising money for Phyllis Tuckwell for 20 years by recycling metals that have been donated to them for Phyllis Tuckwell. Shaun paid me for the cans and then he sent them off to be recycled. This way each can is certain to be recycled and not left in landfill. Many of our cans would be remade into new cans and back in the shops, some as quickly as six weeks! We started collecting in October 2021. We finished collecting in May 2022 and have raised £157.00, which means we recycled roughly 300kg, that is approximately 16700 cans!! That is a lot of cans not in the wrong bins and not in landfill. So, we raised money for a good cause, to help people, and we made a little difference to the environment.

Thank you to everyone who helped and supported my challenge. I even got my Eco Blue Peter badge! I had wanted to raise £50.00, but we did so much more. People are fantastic!

This did not take much effort, but a little effort of a lot of people from my community. If everyone made a little effort, just think what we could do!

Photo of Rosie and the staff at Bakers

Big journeys begin with small steps

We all have goals and dreams. When we were younger we dreamed of being a football player, or going into space for example and we believed this could happen- what was going to stop us? The only limit was our imagination.

What happens as we get older? Those dreams can begin to fade away like a candle burning out. We start to feel as though they’re not important, not relevant to where we are now.However, that flame is still there inside you, still flickeringsoftly in the background.

Have you ever said any of the following to yourself;

‘I don’t have the time’

‘I’m too old now’ 

‘I wouldn’t know where to start’

The question I want you to think about is;

‘What was your dream?’

‘Did you achieve it?

‘How do you feel about what you have achieved?

It’s not too late to turn that dream into reality, you just need to take small steps.

When we have big goals for ourselves, what often happens is we don’t start because they feel so vast and this can overwhelm us. You feel like you are at the base of the mountain just looking up, what you need to do is to turn the mountain into a set of stairs and just make the first step.

This is what I love about coaching people- being able to turn that mountain into a manageable staircase which inspires the individual to take the first step and onto a path towards their goal.

Action: Think about the five most important things in your life. These may be your family, your parents, your career, your hobbies, your long-term goals etc.

Now score these five things 1-10 on how happy you are with the amount of time you spend on them (1= not happy; 10 = very happy)

Next think about what you would like the ratings to be. Score your five important things 1-10 according to what you wish the time spent on them was (1= much less time than currently; 10= much more time than currently.’)

This exercise should give you an indication of where you are spending most of your time is it in the areas you want?

If you have done the exercise above or would like to dive a bit deeper and this article resonates with you then feel free to contact me below.

I work with men who feel they want to enhance their mindset, but are not sure how to go about it, to give them the sense of achievement and fulfilment in their life. Ensuring they are equipped with the tools to build a clear picture of what they want things to look like and helping them achieve this. 

My first session is always complimentary as I want people to experience the power of a coaching conversation, these can be online or in person as I live in Ash.

Keep dreaming

James Carpenter

James Carpenter Coaching


Contemplative Prayer

Contemplative Prayer – Wednesday evenings: Sarah will be starting a regular Wednesday evening session of contemplative prayer in the Church from 22nd June. This will be a weekly event with the lead being shared between Neil and Sarah. More details of timings are available by contacting the church office

Prayer is central to God moving in our lives and we have several ways in which we gather as a fellowship to pray. Other ways to pray together include the prayer chain, Tuesdays at 11:45am in Church, monthly Friday evening prayer meetings, prayer ministry after the service on Sundays, and in our homegroups. How is God calling you to pray?

God desires us to be in relationship with Him and praying is simply talking to God and including Him in everything that you do. If you don’t feel comfortable praying or feel unsure of how to pray, do talk to Revd Neil or anyone from the Prayer Ministry Team.

#Prayer #TryPraying #Community #PrayerMinistry #ContemplativePrayer

Summer Fair 23rd July 2022

Come and join us at St Mary’s for our Summer fair!

Saturday 23rd July,  12-3pm (Save the date in your diary now!)

St. Mary’s Church, Ash Vale, GU12 5JE

Prizes, Refreshments, Music, Competitions and much, much more

Free Entry

If you would like a stall please contact our wonderful Church Warden Martin who is organizing the event. You can contact him on or text our Project Manager with a message to pass on to him: 07730 609446.

We look forward to welcoming you!

Forest Kids – a new project in Ash!

Forest Kids is a new project in Ash that gives children and young people a chance to take part in bush-craft and nature activities in a woodland whilst learning about the Christian faith. Taking part in activities outside is proven to improve people’s mental and physical wellbeing and is also likely to cultivate an interest in and care for the natural environment.

The project comes from a long held dream to combine our love of the outdoors and Jesus. We really want to give other people, especially children a chance to explore both. So last summer we found a woodland near Ash and bought a house nearby and we’ve been working hard getting the woodland ready for people to enjoy.

Just before Easter, we were delighted to welcome some families from the Chapel and St Mary’s to come and join us for a picnic, Easter egg hunt, to hear the Easter story and build dens, not forgetting toasting marsh mallows and making s’mores around the fire.

At the end of April some of our lovely friends and family came and got really stuck in to clear some of the large amount of rhododendrons and tree stumps and to create the beginnings of an amazing natural play area.

Our aim is to have small groups of children from the local area coming to weekly sessions, including their families in some of the activities too, so we’re now looking for interested children and adults to come and get involved.

There’s all sorts of ways of being involved, from sending your children along to the regular weekly sessions when they start, to praying for us, supporting us financially, doing practical stuff in the woods to make it super great fun for the children on our Woodland Activity Days, to helping with the weekly sessions or transport.

If you’d like to find out more, come and have a look at our site or get involved in some way, please do get in touch – we’d love to meet you!

Sarah, Anne & Peter – The Forest Kids team.

To book on or for more details contact us on
07731 681963 or at

Volunteers clearing an area for play
#ChapelKids and friends enjoying the den they just built

Why not join us on 21 May for our Woodland Activity day 2-4pm?

Contact us to book: 07731 681 963

What’s on at St Mary’s & The Chapel this Easter 2022

You are warmly invited to join in with local Easter events at St Mary’s on Vale Rd, and at The Chapel on Wharf Rd.

Easter is our major festival of the year when we remember the death of Jesus and celebrate him rising from the dead.

Lent is the period before Easter when Christians remember the events leading up to and including the death of Jesus Christ. Last Sunday Neil spoke again about the opportunities to reflect together during Lent:

Continue reading “What’s on at St Mary’s & The Chapel this Easter 2022”

Springing in to the New Year

By Rev. Neil Lambert

Happy New Year! So much has happened since my Christmas letter. We hugely enjoyed welcoming you to St Mary’s to celebrate Christmas in lots of creative ways. Thank you for joining in with our (mostly outdoor) adventures and keeping one another safe throughout our Celebrations. We made 85 pizzas on Christingle night alone, it was a joy to welcome you all. What an amazing community we have here in Ash Vale.

Continue reading “Springing in to the New Year”