Tesco Community Grant for Local Project

By Alex Sanderson (Food Parcels Project Team)

Today we would all like to say a huge thank you to everyone who used their blue to tokens and voted for the local food parcels project at Tesco last year.  We are  absolutely delighted to announce that we have now received a Tesco Community Grant of £1000, which will fund 3-6 weeks of much needed food parcel items for local families facing difficult times. Thanks must also go to Tesco and their team who make this all possible.

Every wondered what our weekly shop looks like? Have a look at this photo—this is a fairly typical week, depending on how many families we are supporting. (Usually 20-30 families every week)

If you missed your chance to vote and would like to donate, why not donate online? We have a ‘Give a Little’ fundraising page hosted by St Mary’s where you can even add Gift Aid if you are a tax payer. Of if you prefer to donate food items, why not fill a bag this Lent, one item per day? Contact us for the online giving link or for a list of suggested items Text or call: 07730 609446.

We hugely appreciate your support, as do all our  volunteers and the local families who have benefited from the parcels in their time of need. Our project is only possible thanks to your donations and grants. Your help makes all the difference!  Thank You!

Find out more online about community grants: #CommunityGrants @groundworkuk www.tesco.com/communitygrants

Cast your Votes at the Co-op to support Food Projects at The Chapel!

By Alex Sanderson (Chapel Project Manager)

As most locals will already know, the Chapel Project on Wharf Rd is all about sharing Christ’s love through creativity, hospitality and worship. We welcome everyone, of all faiths and none. The Chapel is a joint initiative between the Hants Surrey Border Methodist Circuit, and St Marys Church in Ash Vale (more on our website here: www.ashvalechapel.com and Facebook @ashvalechapel). Now you can help us do more in 2022, through the Co-op ‘Local Causes’ scheme! https://www.coop.co.uk/local-causes

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