Ashes Good Neighbours launched!

It was a delight to attend the Ashes Good Neighbours launch event this week. The team deserve huge congratulations for getting this new project pff the ground, and have been tireless in thier efforts to recruit volunteers, and in setting set up the necessary frameworks such as safeguarding, documantation and procedures to ensure everything is built on firm foundations. The Ashes Good Neighbour Scheme has now launched, and the phone line will be live from Monday 23rd October 2023.

What’s it all about? Ashes Good Neighbours’s objective is to enable volunteers to help older and vulnerable people get out and about to their appointments. The scheme will be offering residents of Ash, Ash Vale, and Ash Green, transport to appointments such as doctors, hospital, and dentist; visit to the library or a club; help with shopping; or simply a friendly chat over a cup of tea.

Interested in volunteering? Volunteering is flexible to suit your lifestyle with no regular commitment required. All volunteers who will have face-to-face contact with clients have undertaken a DBS check. It is not too late to volunteer; the scheme will always be open to new people joining. If you would like to know more, please email or phone 07935 515221.