Net Zero Journey – new boiler needed for St Mary’s

Have you seen the notices on the door at church? We have applied for a faculty to replace the boiler. If you have any feedback on this, please have a look at the notice and let us know your thoughts.

If you love our groups, services and facilities at St Mary’s, please consider donating towards our heating improvements! We urgently need to replace the old boiler that heats the church and community hall, as the running costs are excruciatingly high and the carbon footprint needs tackling, a big step on our journey towards Net Zero.

We have had an independent energy assessment to help us improve our energy efficiancy and plan for net zero, and the boiler is by far the most effective immediate improvement we can make to save carbon and keep costs manageable. The old boiler is G rated and a new one would be A rated, saving tonnes of carbon every year! But we will need everyone to chip in please to help make it happen. If we all give a little we will raise a lot! Can you help? Our fundraising target is £10,000. It sounds like a huge amount, but if we all do what we can, God will do the rest. Thank you for your support!

Donations link: if you prefer to give online, or you can bring donations to church and mark the envelope “boiler fund”.

We really appreciate your support! It is very much needed, and will make a big difference to all who use the building, and the planet as a whole.

Thank you!

Meet the Local – The Parishioner interviews Keith Broomfield

Parishioner: Keith, great to meet you – tell us a bit about yourself! Have you been an Ash Vale local for long?

So, until about 13 years ago I had always lived in Farnborough, but since then I’ve moved to Tongham, where I spent most of my years on the roots of my parents and grandparents whilst growing up. Both lived locally, with my mum in Ash and my dad in Tongham, and actually the same street as I live now. They say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!

Parishioner: What do you like about the area, any highlights you would recommend to a newcomer to check out?

As I’ve never permanently moved too far afield, I know the local area very well and like others, have seen a lot of changes. On the surface  there are many visual been and gone’s but underneath all that, it still just about holds itself as a community with the old fashioned spirit that’s few and far between these days. 

Parishioner : As a longstanding local business, what services do you offer?

We have now been operating as a sole trader for 16 years, with an overall full time experience exceeding 23 years within the plumbing and heating industry, inheriting the trade by my dad even further back than that. This longevity has been achieved with thanks to yourselves and the repeat custom you have allowed.

Due to various matters over recent years in my personal world it has become increasingly difficult to keep on top of the ever-growing overheads needed to sustain our small business. With this in mind, we see it more important than ever to close some of those intermittent gaps in our diary that had otherwise been disregarded.

With yourselves and Checkatrade on board we can now reach out to a new and wider clientele, yet maintaining the closer proximity in which we operate.

Parishioner: Your business has survived a pandemic and a cost-of-living crisis – what’s the secret, any top tips for fellow entrepreneurs out there?

Our business ethos is to provide a fair and moral service, where our price point reflects the facility we supply and have always aimed to deliver!

Parishioner: Great to meet you today, thanks for talking to us. If people want to get in touch, what are your contact details?



Phone: 07887 687856

My Checkatrade link is: