Net Zero Journey – new boiler needed for St Mary’s

Have you seen the notices on the door at church? We have applied for a faculty to replace the boiler. If you have any feedback on this, please have a look at the notice and let us know your thoughts.

If you love our groups, services and facilities at St Mary’s, please consider donating towards our heating improvements! We urgently need to replace the old boiler that heats the church and community hall, as the running costs are excruciatingly high and the carbon footprint needs tackling, a big step on our journey towards Net Zero.

We have had an independent energy assessment to help us improve our energy efficiancy and plan for net zero, and the boiler is by far the most effective immediate improvement we can make to save carbon and keep costs manageable. The old boiler is G rated and a new one would be A rated, saving tonnes of carbon every year! But we will need everyone to chip in please to help make it happen. If we all give a little we will raise a lot! Can you help? Our fundraising target is £10,000. It sounds like a huge amount, but if we all do what we can, God will do the rest. Thank you for your support!

Donations link: if you prefer to give online, or you can bring donations to church and mark the envelope “boiler fund”.

We really appreciate your support! It is very much needed, and will make a big difference to all who use the building, and the planet as a whole.

Thank you!

Quiz Night!

Great News!  Nikki, Brian, Alex and the team are back, with a November Quiz Night for your enjoyment!

St Mary’s Church, Vale Road, GU12 5JE

20th November, doors open 7pm for a 7.30pm start.

Tickets £12 include Quiz and food. BYOB and the Grand Raffle includes a top prize of a robot vacuum cleaner!

Tickets: or call Nikki on 07747 561280

Limited tickets! Please book ASAP to avoid disappointment.

All proceeds after costs will go towards church funds to keep St Mary’s & all our projects running for our community

Online ticket donations:  (please contact Nikki for availability to book before you pay)