Please remember the Food Parcels Project this Harvest!

Are you getting organised for next term already? Please consider nominating the Ash Villages Food Parcels Project for your school / church / club / staff /scouts / guides / charity Harvest appeal this year. Every donated item is one that we can give directly to families in need locally, in the food parcels that we give out each week in Ash, Ash Vale, Ash Green and Tongham. If you are interested and would like more information you can see all our news and information online here: You can also email us on or speak with our Project Manager on 07730 609446.

Bumper harvest on the allotment this year? We would love to give out extra fruit and veg to local families if you can spare some. You are very welcome to drop off donations at St Mary’s on Sundays 10:00-12:30 during the sunday services. Our Project Manager is always at Wednesday Picnic and Play (Chapel) and Friday Summer Cafe (St Mary’s), or contact us on the usual number to make other arrangements. 07730 609446.

Thank you for your support!

With our thanks and very best wishes,

Ash Villages Food Parcels Project team

Food Parcels – Could your business donate once a week?

A big ask today… are there any local business out there, who would consider becoming a regular donor and sponsoring one foodbank item each on a weekly basis, so about 25 of the same thing weekly (pick an item that resonates with you – cheese? Veg? Tins of beans? Coffee? Pasta? You could bring us the items to The Chapel each week, or donate the funds and we can do the shopping on your behalf.

In thanks for your generosity, we would be delighted to put your business name on our food parcels news online, and provide a letter of thanks for you to display as you see fit.

Interested? We would love to hear from you at or contact our project manager on 07730 609446. If you would like to know more about us, our project information and news is all online here:

If you think you might have a contact who can help us, why not share this blog post with them? Thank you for your support!

If you are struggling to feed yourself and need a parcel you can be referred to us by Citizens Advice, schools, social services, DWP, health visitors, local churches and other agencies. We support anyine in need in Ash, Ash Vale, Ash Green and Tongham.