Diary this week 27th June – 3 July 2022

Tuesday 28th June:

10.00-11:30 “Little Lambs Library” Baby and toddler group for all ages bump-4yrs and their parents and carers. Come and join us in the large hall (free/by donation) for cuppa, play, craft, story and songs.

11.45am: Prayer in Church. Please feel free to come and join this time of prayer.

6.30pm: Summer Fair Planning Meeting in Church. All help welcomed! Please come and help to make the Fair a success on 23rd July!

8.00pm: Choir meet in the Church. All welcome.

Wednesday 29th June,

11.30-13:30 ”Chapel Kids” Baby & Toddler Group meet at the Chapel on Wharf Rd. The session ends with lunch club; bring a picnic or enjoy whats on offer.

7.30pm: Contemplative Prayer in Church. All welcome.

Thursday 30th June,

10.30am: Thursday Friends meet in the Small Hall.

Friday 1st July

10.00-12noon: Community Cafe in the Small Hall and on the Astroturf. All Welcome, free cuppa amd chat, family friendly.

10.00am: Hear here – hearing clinic for new batteries and tubing repairs in church.

10.30am: Bible Study in the Narthex.

7.00pm: Monthly Prayer Meeting in Church

Sunday 3rd July 2022

10:30am Church Service & Sunday school, all welcome.

Contemplative Prayer

Contemplative Prayer – Wednesday evenings: Sarah will be starting a regular Wednesday evening session of contemplative prayer in the Church from 22nd June. This will be a weekly event with the lead being shared between Neil and Sarah. More details of timings are available by contacting the church office parishoffice@ash-vale.org.uk.

Prayer is central to God moving in our lives and we have several ways in which we gather as a fellowship to pray. Other ways to pray together include the prayer chain, Tuesdays at 11:45am in Church, monthly Friday evening prayer meetings, prayer ministry after the service on Sundays, and in our homegroups. How is God calling you to pray?

God desires us to be in relationship with Him and praying is simply talking to God and including Him in everything that you do. If you don’t feel comfortable praying or feel unsure of how to pray, do talk to Revd Neil or anyone from the Prayer Ministry Team.

#Prayer #TryPraying #Community #PrayerMinistry #ContemplativePrayer

Summer Fair 23rd July 2022

Come and join us at St Mary’s for our Summer fair!

Saturday 23rd July,  12-3pm (Save the date in your diary now!)

St. Mary’s Church, Ash Vale, GU12 5JE

Prizes, Refreshments, Music, Competitions and much, much more

Free Entry

If you would like a stall please contact our wonderful Church Warden Martin who is organizing the event. You can contact him on mlindsay500@outlook.com or text our Project Manager with a message to pass on to him: 07730 609446.

We look forward to welcoming you!

Forest Kids – a new project in Ash!

Forest Kids is a new project in Ash that gives children and young people a chance to take part in bush-craft and nature activities in a woodland whilst learning about the Christian faith. Taking part in activities outside is proven to improve people’s mental and physical wellbeing and is also likely to cultivate an interest in and care for the natural environment.

The project comes from a long held dream to combine our love of the outdoors and Jesus. We really want to give other people, especially children a chance to explore both. So last summer we found a woodland near Ash and bought a house nearby and we’ve been working hard getting the woodland ready for people to enjoy.

Just before Easter, we were delighted to welcome some families from the Chapel and St Mary’s to come and join us for a picnic, Easter egg hunt, to hear the Easter story and build dens, not forgetting toasting marsh mallows and making s’mores around the fire.

At the end of April some of our lovely friends and family came and got really stuck in to clear some of the large amount of rhododendrons and tree stumps and to create the beginnings of an amazing natural play area.

Our aim is to have small groups of children from the local area coming to weekly sessions, including their families in some of the activities too, so we’re now looking for interested children and adults to come and get involved.

There’s all sorts of ways of being involved, from sending your children along to the regular weekly sessions when they start, to praying for us, supporting us financially, doing practical stuff in the woods to make it super great fun for the children on our Woodland Activity Days, to helping with the weekly sessions or transport.

If you’d like to find out more, come and have a look at our site or get involved in some way, please do get in touch – we’d love to meet you!

Sarah, Anne & Peter – The Forest Kids team.

To book on or for more details contact us on
07731 681963 or at facebook.com/forestkidsash/

Volunteers clearing an area for play
#ChapelKids and friends enjoying the den they just built

Why not join us on 21 May for our Woodland Activity day 2-4pm?

Contact us to book: 07731 681 963

Letter from The Vicarage – Easter 2022

Parishioner letter—Rev neil

Easter 2022

The Cover Image this Easter is inspired by a new song “Come to the Table” by Matt Weeks which you can hear most Sunday’s at St Mary’s.

If you use social media, you may enjoy the ‘anniversaries’ that pop up every now and then, reminding you of what happened on this day in previous years. My timeline recently has been full of images from our early lockdown – our first Evensong in the carpark 2 years ago, ringing the bell, pancakes on the astroturf… It makes me realise that the last time we ‘did Easter’ the ‘normal’ way was 3 years ago! We had a few socially distanced people in church in 2021, but finally this year we are allowed to gather in greater numbers and celebrate with a shared feast.

Continue reading “Letter from The Vicarage – Easter 2022”

What’s on at St Mary’s & The Chapel this Easter 2022

You are warmly invited to join in with local Easter events at St Mary’s on Vale Rd, and at The Chapel on Wharf Rd.

Easter is our major festival of the year when we remember the death of Jesus and celebrate him rising from the dead.

Lent is the period before Easter when Christians remember the events leading up to and including the death of Jesus Christ. Last Sunday Neil spoke again about the opportunities to reflect together during Lent:

Continue reading “What’s on at St Mary’s & The Chapel this Easter 2022”

Local fundraiser for Cancer Research

Did you know? Ellen at the local Co-op in Ash Vale is fundraising for Cancer Research. She will be covering 5k this Summer, doing the Race 4 Life. if you’d like to contribute, its very easy to do. She has a collecting tin at the kiosk so people can pop their pennies in when they shop. Thank you for your support!

(ps – remember to show your Co-op card when you shop, to support local charities too!)

Chapel Music News

by Matt Weeks, Musician in Residence

Lecturers Geraldine Latty and Carey Luce from the London School of Theology (LST) brought some students to the studio at The Chapel to record a new song written by Geri, Carey and Matt Weeks called ‘Holy Spirit Will You Fall On Us’. It’s written in 4 parts for a choir to sing. Hopefully we’ll be trying it out at St Mary’s soon and see how it goes!

Continue reading “Chapel Music News”