Sowing Seeds of Hope in Uganda

A huge thank you to everyone who sponsored trees in Uganda for Christmas. The seed beds have been prepared and the seedlings are growing beautifully. #AmhaWeUganda #HopeForUganda #Trees #NoPlanetB #TreeNurseriesProject

If you’d like to donate to the work of Amaha We Uganda please follow this link. Thank you!

St Mary’s Electoral Roll Revision 2023

Revision of Church Electoral Roll: The current Electoral Roll is posted on the Noticeboard inside the front door of the Church (note the publicly displayed version includes names only, without addresses). Please have a look at this to check whether or not you are included. Application forms to apply to go on the Roll, or to have address or other details updated, can be obtained from Lesley Murphy in church on Sundays.

Please hand your completed Forms either to Lesley or to Jackie Scott in the Parish Office. Forms must be returned by 2nd April at the latest.

News from Ashes Good Neighbours

Ashes Good Neighbours Scheme
As we start 2023 we wanted to let you know how we are progressing with launching the Ashes Good Neighbour Scheme.
The Ashes is a group of local volunteers who will help older residents of Ash and Ash Vale get to their doctor or hospital appointments, or maybe take someone to the hairdressers or to the shops.
Over the last year we have been recruiting volunteers who are happy to be drivers or duty officers, who will take the phone requests for assistance. The number of volunteers is rising steadily, but we will need more volunteers before we are able to launch AGN again. Is this something you might be interested in? You can choose what requests you accept, so the commitment is entirely under your control.
Throughout last year we held regular coffee mornings to allow people to meet and discuss the scheme more.
Our next coffee morning is on Wednesday 8th February 2023 at the Ash Centre, Ash Hill Road, at 10.30am. Please come along and meet other volunteers, find out about the scheme and mention this to anyone who may be interested.
No obligation- just come and say hello. We look forward to seeing you,
The Ashes Good Neighbours Committee

We can be contacted on

Mobile 07935 515221

What food should I donate for the foodbank? There’s an App for that! 

Did you know? There is a new app out there called “Bank the Food” which helps everyone to know just what to donate to their local food banks to help those in need in the community.

Our local Food Parcels Project started during Covid and feeds local people every week. Search for Ash Vale in the App and you will see we are on the list for donations. We would be very glad of your support. We are of course grateful for all donations, but if you use the app, the advantage is that  you can see what we need most urgently, 

The last step is getting the donations to us. If you shop in the village you can pop items in the collecting basket at Ash Vale Co-op (tap your membership card while you’re in there and collect point for the community fund  please!). Wherever you shop, you can buy items to donate and drop them off at St Mary’s Church on Vale Road or The Chapel on Wharf Road whenever they are open. We do the rest, packing parcels and making sure they reach our neighbours in need in our local community of Ash, Ash Vale, Ash Green and Tongham. 

Thank you for your support, it makes a huge difference. We would especially like to thank everyone who supported the Christmas food parcels last week. Over 130 local people were brought some Christmas cheer with food, treats, gifts and winter warmers. It makes a big difference to local people. Thank you!

Alex, Carla and all the team. 

PS – if you are struggling to afford enough to eat you can be referred to us by Citizens Advice / Job Centre / local churches / health visitor / social services / Guildford borough wellbeing team. 

Coats – available this Friday at Community Cafe

** Coats ** if you need a coat please come down to the Community Cafe Warm Hub this Friday at St Mary’s 10:00-13:00 we have had lots donated as part of our ‘winter warmers’ appeal and they are free to whoever needs them. Lots of different sizes, mostly childrens but there are a few adults ones. We also have some blankets available. Tea and coffee available all morning, Soup lunch is served at 12:00 . No need to book just pop in.

#FridayCafe #CommunityCafe #WarmHub #FamilyFriendly #EcoChurch #StopWaste #WinterWarmer

Community Cafe & Warm Hub Fridays 10:00-13:00

Come on in and get warm! 

Fridays 10:00-13:00

St Mary’s, Vale Rd, Ash Vale GU12 5JE  

Join us for cuppa, biscuits and a chat. 

We have free wifi for anyone needing to

get online and toys, books and 

colouring to entertain the children. 

Free Soup Lunch served at 12:00. 

All free / by donation. 

All welcome.  

SCC is also sending us winter 

essentials for those in need, 

just ask for Alex or Nikki 

The gift of trees this Christmas 

Please support Amaha We Uganda’s tree planting projects this Christmas. Your gift of trees will reforest mountains, stop landslides and feed families. 

Amaha We Uganda is one of St Mary’s chosen charities again this year and we are so excited to see that another 30,000 trees have been planted this season. You can read all about it on their website

Gift certificate cards are available for your family and friends. Email for your PDF certificate.

Donations link:

St Nicholas Lantern Walk and Bonfire Party Saturday 10th Dec 2022

Join us for a lovely lantern walk starting from The Chapel garden on Wharf Rd and finishing at St Mary’s church garden on Vale Road with a bonfire, hot chocolate, food and the chance to meet St Nicholas (there will be sweets!) Start times are staggered from 4pm – 6pm and we need to know numbers for catering, so please text to book your start time. 07730 609446 we still have a few places, text us asap!  (Free / by donation)

We do recommend that you dress for the cold weather, bring a torch and wear wellies or sturdy shoes. The canal walk is beautiful by lantern light but it can be muddy.

#StNicholasLanternWalk #StNicholasDay #StNicholasLanterns #MeetSaintNicholas #Community #FamilyFriendly #LanternWalk #BonfireParty #FollowTheStar

William is visiting us All the way from Uganda this year. Do please bring some pennies to support Amaha We Ugandas tree projects if you can. This is one of the St Mary’s chosen charities.Thank you! Xx