Have you seen? The Chapel Project in Ash Vale has lovely new windows, and the best thing about them is, they are double glazed! Have a look next time you are passing and let us know what you think. Why not pop in to Monday Chapel Cafe to see them from the inside too?
We would like to say a huge thank you to all involved with the project, and in particular to Your Fund Surrey – Small Projects Scheme, who supported us with a grant. Special thanks also go to our local councillor Carla Morson, who very kindly supported our application and has been so supportive of all the Chapel projects over the years.
The Chapel is a well used local building, much loved and well attended by the local community. We host Chapel Cafe (a Warm Welcome hub) on Mondays 9:30-12:30 in term time, Chapel Kids (baby and toddler group and Lunch club) on Wednesdays 11:00-14:00, Chapel Craft group on Wednesday nights 8-10pm, and of course prayers, worship and Sunday Services at weekends led by New Way Christian Life Fellowship. Adding to this, the Ash Vale Community Fridge is based here – open 24/7 in the car park. We also host the local Foodbank team here, who are in and out 6 days a week with donations, deliveries, stock checks and supplies. They pack Food Parcels on Wednesdays and Fridays that go out to local people in need every week. (Watch this space – we are planning a Food Forum for like minded charities in March!)
Why double glazing? Having committed to aiming for carbon net zero by 2030, the Chapel Management Committee have agreed a strategy to move away from fossil fuels. Our quick wins in phase 1 were simple improvements like a better heating schedule, dealing with drafts, planting some trees, reducing waste and doing more recycling. Double Glazing is undoubtedly the most important step in Phase 2 that takes us a long way forward on the net zero journey. We are already noticing how much better the room tempreature is, now that the heat loss from the windows has been drastically reduced.
The real heroes of the windows phase were Truglaze in Frimley who have been superb throughout this double glazing project. They measured up precisely, removed the old units carefully, and installed the lovely new windows and doors beautifully. We were extremely impressed when – to overcome a delay due to the glass being delivered late – they sent several installation teams over to work together and do the fitting in a day, so we could be all done and ready in time for Christmas Foodbank. It was a superhuman effort, and a big challenge for Lisa co-ordinating everyone. We would like to say a huge thank you to them all.
What next? Phase 3 will be to see how we can reduce heat loss through insulation of the ceilings and floors – another big job, but a crucial one before we can move away from gas heating. And then the final phase will be to explore things like solar power and air source heat pumps, and see what we can to to complete the move away from fossil fuel. Would you like to support us with phase 3? Our donations link is open, and we would be glad of you support. thank you! https://givealittle.co/c/506zJ4CysgBvk5OPRjRZLF

Photos: Truglaze Team working their Christmas magic / Cllr Carla Morson and Revd Anne Day celebrating the new windows / Beautiful Chapel windows up close / Foodbank Team were the first to enjoy the warmer Chapel with the double glazing in, as they packed the Christmas Parcels.

If you would like to know more about the Foodbank #AshVillagesFoodParcelsProject you can click here: https://ash-vale.org.uk/foodparcels-2/
If you would like to know more about Truglaze their website link is here: https://truglaze.co.uk/